Weekly Roundup #14 — Social Media Stats, Recovering College Grad, Google Gnome and More

Impactful things I read, used, and created this past week.

Cody Monson
Cody Monson
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2017


This roundup’s gonna be a short one.

I’m on vacation getting some warm sun down in Arizona and I promised my wife I’d spend as little time looking at screens as possible.

Here are a few things that impacted me this week:

What I read

Here’s a cool infographic from HubSpot with tons of social media stats. Did you know that Instagram is predominately female? 38% of online women vs 26% of online men use it!

Written by my good friend Brad Henderson, this one’s a great read for those of you questioning whether or not higher education is really your best path forward. He’s got some incredible insight and gives you plenty of detail as he walks you through his path from brainwashed college grad to spontaneous entrepreneur.

What I used

I’m always looking for better ways to send large files online. Here’s the latest of many.

What I wrote

A TL;DR version of my email tools post from two weeks ago that has gotten quite a bit of buzz around it. Check it out!



Finding new tech tools 🔧. Experimenting on myself 😬. Writing my findings here 📝.